Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Mount Tamalpais State Park in Marin County has some of the best views of the San Francisco Bay Area I have ever seen and a lot of them are right from the seat of your car. Mt Tam is the birthplace of mountain biking with many steep trails for biking or hiking all over the mountain. Local climbers know Mt Tam as a good place to find some easy to moderate top ropes on fairly solid volcanic stone with good cracks, pockets and jugs.

There has also been a slow development of bouldering going on but never more than some spread out problems of varied styles. Now thanks to luck and some inspired locals (Kenny Ariza and Eliot Carlsen) who explored all over the mountain in the last few years in search of new rock it also has a fair share of quality, concentrated bouldering areas. The mountain now sports about 100 problems with legit access on well maintained park trails.

-Bay View Boulder (on right below small turnout with big view) + East Bloc/ATF (on left in trees on hill)
[about 0.9 miles east of Rock Springs on East Ridgecrest]

-Lakeview Boulders [off Lakeview Trail west of the East Peak on East Ridgecrest]

*For more info and pics of Mt Tam on Supertopo click here; SUPERTOPO.COM/bouldering
more pics, info and vids coming soon..