Dutch Bill Boulder
NO DIRECTIONS - word of mouth only - and once you get there DO NOT park anywhere near the driveway with the gate across from the trailhead (what kind of fool would do that anyways:)
15 main lines - about 35+ problems total counting link ups, variations, stand starts and projects.
{0 to 5***** star quality rating}
0 "Cave Spider Stand" V1/2*** stand start on big horizontal rail above roof and top out onto ledge with big jug and jump/drop off or top out high VB (5.6R) slab! - FA=TL
1 "Cave Spider" V3/4***** low sit start in center of cave up left past big rail into top out ~ path of least resistance ~ Mega Classic!! - FA=TL
-- or left sit #10 V4/5*** -- or right sit #5 V5/6***
2 "Cave Spider Direct" V5/6**** low sit start Cave Spider and go direct out roof then traverse left along lip a few moves into #1 to top out (original way) FA=TL or "Cave Spider Directer" V6**** go even more direct and straight up to top out. FA=CS
-- or low left sit #10 V6*** -- or low right sit #5 V6/7***
3 "Dutch Belly" V7/8*** stand start on left hand crimp and right hand slope and bust a move up left or right hand then traverse up left into #1 to top out (original way) or go direct straight up or up right into the top of #12 -- or V8**** low stand -- or V8/9**** sit -- or "Buddhas Underbelly" V9**** link up variation - FA=RT/TT/SB?
4 "The Dutchie" V3/4*** high stand start -- or "Dutch Rutter" V6/7*** low start on underclings then reach up left and top out on The Dutchie - FA=CS(V3/4) / FA=AC(V6/7)
-- or "Cave Dutchie" V6/7** sit #1 then traverse right along lip into #4 top out FA=CS(V6/7) -- or V4 /5* from rail stand start into #4 -- or "Grope Booth" V7** do #2 into the traverse into #4 FA=SB(V7)
5 "Long Bottom" V6*** sit start then up right or up left -- or V3/4** stand start up into right top out -- or V4/5** stand start up into left top out - FA=TL (original right top out) - FA=SB (left top out)
-- or PROJECT V7/8? start #10 then traverse right into the sit or low stand of #5 to top out.
6 "?" /+ "Dutch Diamond" V2/3/4?? left or right bulge face stand start - or sit !? - FA=TL/JM ?
-- or PROJECT V6/7/8? start #10 then traverse right into either variation of #6 to top out.
7 "Warm Up Cool Down" V0** sit start at horizontal rail and move right and up into VB* - FA=CS
8 "Riding The Rails" V6**** do the low sit to #1 up to the big rail then traverse left to the end of last main rail -- or V4*** stand start same as #0 -- or low sit start #10 V6/7** - FA=RT/TL
-- or stand start from the far left rail and traverse to the right into either #0 to top out V6/7** - or PROJECT V7/8? traverse farther right along the lip into #4? - or PROJECT V8/9+!? traverse down and all the way around into #7 to end maybe?
-- or "The Dirty Dutchman" V10*** sit start #12 into #8 - FA=GT
9 "Sit Down and Shut Up" V5/6** from low left #10 sit traverse low and right up into #7 - FA=CS
10 "Banana Thug" V4/5*** sit at far left side of cave and go up past crack over rock up right into #0
"Cave Spider" V3/4
Dutch Bill Boulder Video
"Flying Dutchman" V11 FA
"Buddhas Underbelly" V9 FA
0 "Cave Spider Stand" V1/2*** stand start on big horizontal rail above roof and top out onto ledge with big jug and jump/drop off or top out high VB (5.6R) slab! - FA=TL
1 "Cave Spider" V3/4***** low sit start in center of cave up left past big rail into top out ~ path of least resistance ~ Mega Classic!! - FA=TL
-- or left sit #10 V4/5*** -- or right sit #5 V5/6***
2 "Cave Spider Direct" V5/6**** low sit start Cave Spider and go direct out roof then traverse left along lip a few moves into #1 to top out (original way) FA=TL or "Cave Spider Directer" V6**** go even more direct and straight up to top out. FA=CS
-- or low left sit #10 V6*** -- or low right sit #5 V6/7***
3 "Dutch Belly" V7/8*** stand start on left hand crimp and right hand slope and bust a move up left or right hand then traverse up left into #1 to top out (original way) or go direct straight up or up right into the top of #12 -- or V8**** low stand -- or V8/9**** sit -- or "Buddhas Underbelly" V9**** link up variation - FA=RT/TT/SB?
4 "The Dutchie" V3/4*** high stand start -- or "Dutch Rutter" V6/7*** low start on underclings then reach up left and top out on The Dutchie - FA=CS(V3/4) / FA=AC(V6/7)
-- or "Cave Dutchie" V6/7** sit #1 then traverse right along lip into #4 top out FA=CS(V6/7) -- or V4 /5* from rail stand start into #4 -- or "Grope Booth" V7** do #2 into the traverse into #4 FA=SB(V7)
5 "Long Bottom" V6*** sit start then up right or up left -- or V3/4** stand start up into right top out -- or V4/5** stand start up into left top out - FA=TL (original right top out) - FA=SB (left top out)
-- or PROJECT V7/8? start #10 then traverse right into the sit or low stand of #5 to top out.
6 "?" /+ "Dutch Diamond" V2/3/4?? left or right bulge face stand start - or sit !? - FA=TL/JM ?
-- or PROJECT V6/7/8? start #10 then traverse right into either variation of #6 to top out.
7 "Warm Up Cool Down" V0** sit start at horizontal rail and move right and up into VB* - FA=CS
8 "Riding The Rails" V6**** do the low sit to #1 up to the big rail then traverse left to the end of last main rail -- or V4*** stand start same as #0 -- or low sit start #10 V6/7** - FA=RT/TL
-- or stand start from the far left rail and traverse to the right into either #0 to top out V6/7** - or PROJECT V7/8? traverse farther right along the lip into #4? - or PROJECT V8/9+!? traverse down and all the way around into #7 to end maybe?
-- or "The Dirty Dutchman" V10*** sit start #12 into #8 - FA=GT
9 "Sit Down and Shut Up" V5/6** from low left #10 sit traverse low and right up into #7 - FA=CS
10 "Banana Thug" V4/5*** sit at far left side of cave and go up past crack over rock up right into #0
-- or V5/6*** low sit from #1 - FA=TL
-- or "Long Thug" V6/7** sit start #5 then traverse left into #10 and top it out - FA=CS
-- or PROJECT V7/8? do Long Thug but keep traversing the rails to the far left same as #8?
11 "Fox Trot" V6** sit #10 then traverse low and right into #9 - FA=CS
12 "Pass The Dutchie" V10***** sit #10 then traverse low and right into #3 sit then top out #4 - FA=GT
13 V3/4?** low stand start from flat edge up left - FA=TL?
14 V4/5?** low stand start from flat edge up right - FA=TL?
15 "Flying Dutchman" V11**** low sit start into #13 (or #14?) - FA=GT
-- or "Long Thug" V6/7** sit start #5 then traverse left into #10 and top it out - FA=CS
-- or PROJECT V7/8? do Long Thug but keep traversing the rails to the far left same as #8?
11 "Fox Trot" V6** sit #10 then traverse low and right into #9 - FA=CS
12 "Pass The Dutchie" V10***** sit #10 then traverse low and right into #3 sit then top out #4 - FA=GT
13 V3/4?** low stand start from flat edge up left - FA=TL?
14 V4/5?** low stand start from flat edge up right - FA=TL?
15 "Flying Dutchman" V11**** low sit start into #13 (or #14?) - FA=GT
Main First Ascentionists:
TL Travis Lombardo
RT Ryan Tolentino
GT Giovanni Traversi
CS Chris Summit -me :)
"Cave Spider" V3/4
Dutch Bill Boulder Video
"Flying Dutchman" V11 FA
"Buddhas Underbelly" V9 FA