Sunday, October 22, 2023

Ocean Cove

Ocean Cove Campground & Stillwater Cove

New First Ascent (FA) top-rope & sport & trad routes, boulder problems and DWS;

Seafarer Rock
1 Sea Horse 5.10 TR or V1R/X DWS+ FA=RT
2 Sea Horse Direct 5.11 TR FA=RT
3 The Bends V!? FA=CJ?
4 V0 slab prow south face DWS FA=RT
5 V1 main south face DWS FA=RT
6 ? 5.11 TR or V3R/X DWS+ FA=CJ
7 5.9? lumpy south west face TR FA=?
8 ? FA=CJ/ED?
9 ? FA=CJ/ED?
10 Seafarer 5.9 TR or V0R DWS FA=CJ/CS
11 ? 5.10 TR or V2R DWS FA=CJ
12 ? 5.11 TR or V3R/X DWS+ FA=ED
13 Sea Sickness 5.11 TR or V3R FA=CJ
14 ?
15 ?

North Ocean Cove

Central Ocean Cove

South Ocean Cove / Stillwater Cove
36 The Arch Traverse V5 cave bulge traverse FA=CS
37 The Arch Problem V4 center bulge FA=CS
38 ?
39 5.11 face TR FA=MN
40 5.10 crack TR FA=MN
41 ?
42 ?
43 V0
44 V1
45 Ocean Breeze V1R high corner crack FA=CS
46 ?
47 Ocean Cove Wall V2R highball wall FA=MN/RT
48 ?
49 Pirate Cave V4 cave face FA=CS
50 Be Still My Beating Heart V2R center face of small spire MN/TL

Saturday, October 14, 2023

The Totem Boulders

Timber Cove


{This is an ongoing evolving work in progress list of our new first ascents}

New First Ascent (FA) sport routes and boulder problems;

Upper Totem Boulders
1 Totem Crack V1 FA=CS
2 V8 FA=CJ
3 ? slab
4 ? slab arete
5 ? slab traverse
6 ? arete
7 ? back slab traverse
8 ? hidden boulder left
9 ? hidden boulder right
10 ? hidden boulder traverse

Middle Totem Boulders

Lower Totem Boulders
25 Follow The Fishermen V5 or V7 low pockets bat hang start FA=CJ
26 V3? left side FA=ED? low start rail!?
27 ? low start rail into right finishes!?
28 ? right side?
29 V4? roof crack left FA=CJ/ED? low start!?
30 V4? roof crack direct dyno FA=CJ? low start!?
31 V4? roof crack right FA=CJ/ED? low start!?
32 ? link into cave!?
33 ? cave!?

Totem Beach Boulders
41 5.10d roof to face FA=JT/KP
42 ? west face FA=KP?
43 ? FA=JT/KP?
44 ? FA=JT/KP? 
45 V3? bulge campus start FA=CJ
46 ? bulge left face?
47 V2? water hole FA=KP?
48 ? mini roof?

Frog Woman Rock 2023 update

Frog Woman Rock - Frogman & Frog Woman Boulders, Untamed Rocks

New 2023/24 First Ascent (FA) sport routes and boulder problems;

Untamed Rocks
1 Thundercling Traverse 5.10 FA=CS
2 Thundercling 5.11 FA=CS
3 5.12 FA=KW
4 ?
5 ?
6 Emerald Cup Traverse V4 FA=CS
7 Switchblade V4 low start FA=CS
8 Tetrahedral V6 FA=CS
9 Tetrahedron V6 FA=CS
10 ?

Frogman Boulders
1 Frogger 5.9 or 5.10 FA=CS
2 Frogman Arete 5.11 FA=CS
3 direct face!?
4 V1 FA=LE
5 V2 FA-LE
6 V3 FA=CS
7 Sacred Geometry V5 FA=CS
8 ? V8 FA=?
9 Osiris V10 FA=VA
10 Sticks & Stones V5 sit V3 stand FA=CS
11 Quartz Slab Traverse V3 FA=CS
12 Styx V2r FA=CS
13 Tree Frog Arete V5 sit V3 stand FA=LE stand FA=CS sit
14 leifs dyno V? FA=LE
15 ?

Thursday, September 7, 2023

Black Bart Boulders

new probs list:

Black Bart Boulder - left to right;

The Heist V3 FA=GT
The Heist Traverse V5 FA=CS
The Bandit V4 FA=CS
Gentleman Bandit V4 FA=CS
The Bandit Traverse V5 FA=CS
V6/7? FA=SG
V7/8? FA=SG
The Villain V7 FA=GT
The Villain Direct V9 FA=GT
The Thief V4 FA=GT
The Thief Direct V5 FA=GT/CS
The Crook V3 FA=GT
The Crook Direct V4 FA=GT/CS
the crook traverse
the full crook traverse
the full heist traverse
the full bandit traverse
the full thief traverse
the villain traverse

Friday, June 23, 2023

Spring Lake - Bouldering Lessons 2023

Outdoor Climbing / Bouldering Lessons - summer/fall 2023

Outdoor bouldering lesson on the high quality basalt boulders along the west shore of Spring Lake in Santa Rosa CA. The main boulders are located off of the popular Fisherman's Trail just ~1 minute walk from the Boat Dock and the Boat Launch pay parking lot ($7) - or it's free to walk in ~15 minutes from parking at either Howarth Park or from the east side of the lake. 

August & Fall schedules coming soon..

For any questions or to schedule in advance or for private lessons - email:

Howarth Park (Santa Rosa CA) Obstacle Course & Climbing Wall Camp - Kids or Adult 2023

Howarth Park, Santa Rosa CA - meet at the outdoor climbing wall across from the main parking lot.

Schedule: August & Fall 2023 - to be announced soon..

$80 1 hour 1 person private sessions. 
$60 per participant for 1 hour 2 person private sessions. 
$40 per participant for 3-5 person private sessions for 1.5 hours.
$30 per participant based on pre sign-ups (to be announced prior) for group sessions of 6 people minimum or 8 max for 2 hours. 

Sessions start with a brief ~5 minute group introduction and then right into a light dynamic stretch and calisthenic warmup for ~5min then do a mix of climbing/bouldering & agility/obstacle course training for ~40min with a ~10min cool down stretch to finish up.

Put the fun in functional fitness! - challenge yourself, test your strength and agility as well as simply getting a great workout but mainly learn, practice and refine very useful basic movement/life skills. 

For any questions or to schedule in advance or for private sessions - email:

Also check out SPRING LAKE - BOULDERING LESSONS 2023 - outdoor bouldering lesson on the high quality basalt boulders along the west shore of Spring Lake off of the popular Fisherman's Trail just ~1 minute walk from the Boat Dock and the Boat Launch pay parking lot ($7) - or free to walk in ~15 minutes from either Howarth Park or from the northeast side of the lake. 

Howarth Park Climbing Wall Traverse

Howarth Park Climbing Wall - YouTube


Monday, May 29, 2023

Oroville Boulders

Feather River Nature Center
Heavenly Feather Boulder
left to right
1 Heavenly Feather Traverse V1 lip traverse FA=CS
2 Featherweight V1 stand start center of short steep roadside face - V2 scrunchy sit start FA=CS
3 Feather Plucker V4 eliminate dyno from Wind Feather sit to lip FA=CS
4 Wind Feather V2 low start right arete direct - V1 bail out right FA=CS
5 VB corner - easy way up or down main face
6 V0 crack traverse?
7 Heavenly Feather VB FA=KS

Bath House Boulder
8 Gold Nugget V3 low start pillar below bench FA=CS - The Nugget V1 stand start FA=DD
9 ?
10 ?

Bridge Boulders
11 bridge buttress backside?
12 bridge buttress direct?
13 bridge buttress highball/tr??
14 Dirty Dan V2 FA=DD
15 bridge buttress slab? FA=DD
16 bridge buttress slab direct? FA=MS
17 bridge boulder?
18 Oroville Roof aka Dirt Nasty V3 FA=CS
19 Aurora V4 FA=RT
20 aurora direct?
21 slab? 
22 island boulder?
23 ?
24 ?
25 ?

Feather River Fish Hatchery
Spawn Boulder
left to right
26 Spawn Traverse V2 traverse FA=CS?
27 spawn mantle? V1 left face mantle ledge
28 spawn corner? V1 corner
29 Spawn V1 left arete feature FA=CS?
30 spawn face? V0 right face

Fishhook Boulder
31 The Fishhook V1 stand start FA=DD - V2 sit start FA=CS

Hatchery Boulders
33 ?
34 ?
35 ?

First Ascents by; Janina and Devin Drake, Kayden and Melissa Simmons, Ryan Tolentino and Chris Summit

Sunday, March 5, 2023

Spring Lake Boulders

Spring Lake - North Boat Launch Boulders

Spring Chicken Boulder
1 Spring Finger V0 FA=CS
2 Spring Chicken Traverse V1 FA=CS
3 Spring Chicken V1 sit start mini overhang prow and go left and up arete - dyno from big midway rail to lip for extra credit :) FA=old school
4 ?
5 ?
Springwater Boulder
6 Petrified V3 FA=CS
7 Springwater V4 FA=CS
8 Milkin Basalt V3 FA=CS
9 Catchers Mitt V4 FA=CS/LE
10 Equinox V5 FA=CS
11 Spring Love V4 FA=CS
12 Spring Equinox V6 FA=CS
13 Spring Fever V3 FA=CS 
Springloaded Boulder
14 Springloaded V5 or V3 FA=LE / V5 FA=CS
15 Springloaded Direct V5 FA=CS
Spring Training Boulders
13 Spring Break V0 FA=old school
14 High Sprung V2 FA=LE
15 spring fling!?
16 Spring Corner VB FA=old school
17 Spring Rails V0 FA=old school
18 Spring Bat V4 feet first/upside down/bat hang start or Spring Rat low sit/lay-down start/no bat hang FA=AJ/CS
19 Logans Line V2 FA=LB
20 Spring Training Traverse V1 FA=CS
22 Frogger V1 FA=SS
23 Springtime V0 FA=old school
24 ?
25 ?
Springboard Boulder
26 Springboard Arete V1 FA=CS
27 The Springboard V2 arete is on for feet or V1 fun variation - detached block at base is on for feet.
28 Springboard Direct V3 arete is off for feet - left or right mid-start or V5 arete and detached block are both off for feet FA=CS
Picnic Boulders:
29 V1? FA=LE
30 V1? FA=LE
31 V1? FA=LE
32 Picnic Table V1? FA=CS
random boulders:
33 V0 FA=AR
35 Sideline V0 FA=CS
36 Sideline Traverse V1 FA=CS
37 leaf line V1 FA=LE
38 ?
39 ?
40 ?

Spring Lake - South Boat Launch Boulders

Spring Cling Boulder
41 Ham Jamwich V1 FA=LE
42 Spring Cling V2 or Spring Fling V4 FA=CS
43 Spring Cling Traverse V2 or V3 full FA=CS
44 V2 or V0 all feet FA=LE
45 Do It For The Caws V3 FA=LE
46 Crows Feet V1 FA=CS
47 The Hole V1 FA=CS ~V3/4/5 low?
48 The Plate V?
49 ?
50 ?

Spring Lake - The Jackrabbit Boulders

Jackrabbit Boulders
51 ?
52 Microdose V5 FA=CS
53 Bunny Brown V0 FA=CS
54 Bunny Rabbit V1 FA=CS
55 Jackrabbit V0 FA=CS
56 Jackrabbit Traverse V1
57 Jackrabbit Dyno V3 FA=CS
58 The Heart V1 FA=CS
59 Bleeding Heart V2 FA=CS
60 ?

random outlying boulders:

Friday, February 17, 2023

Wine Country Bouldering @GunksApps

1st edition - January 2023

9 main areas / 333+ boulder problems / VB-V12

Coastal Bouldering Areas — 150+ problems

Sonoma Coast ~150+

Inland Bouldering Areas — 150+ problems

Mayacamas ~100+ problems

Lake & Mendocino Counties ~50+ problems

GPS Navigation, color-coded topos,

color maps + action & scenery photos, 

updates regularly.

Wine Country Bouldering@GunksApps


Wine Country Bouldering - YouTube Playlist

Wine Country Bouldering - Instagram