First Falls ~100 problems at ~3 zones!!
First Falls - Downstream/Swimming Hole (original/old school)
The Reef Boulder
1 Reefer Madness left arete next to main swimming hole FA=CS
2 Reefer Man left or right center face lines next to main swimming hole FA=CS
3 The Reefer right side of main face off flat rock next to main swimming hole FA=CS
4 Reef Leap next to main swimming hole FA=RT/DKL??
5 Reefer Traverse? next to main swimming hole.
6 ?
7 ?
Beachside Boulder
8 Beachside V3 FA=DKL
9 Beach House V6 FA=DKL
10 ?
Rhino Boulder
11 Rhinoplasty V4/5 sloper stand start FA=CS V5/6 sit?
12 ?
13 ?
14 ?
15 ?
First Falls - Upstream/Main Area (new)
Clutch Boulder
1 Skunk Train Traverse V1 below road/trailhead FA=JC/MR
2 Pepe Le Pew V3? sit start bulge up right - or up left - or link up(s)? below trail FA=JC/MR
Upstream Slab?
3 left slab
4 left arete/face
5 right arete face
6 traverse
Lawnmower Boulder
7 V1/2 rail traverse FA=JC?
8 Lawnmower Traverse V1 FA=JC/MR
9 Lawnmower Man V4/5 FA=CS
10 Lawnmower Direct V1 dead point - or V2 dyno to top? FA=CS?
11 The Lawnmower V0 FA=JC/MR
12 Lawnmower Roof V1 FA=JS?
13 ?
The Island
14 VB easy slab up/downclimb - or The Downclimb Dyno V1 dyno from start jug to top jug(s)!
15 Under the Bridge V1 or Over the Bridge V3 FA=JC?
16 The Island Arete V4 stand start classic left arete FA=JC or sit start FA=CS
17 Pork Chop V3 sit start center face V1 stand - or slots (between left arete-center face)? FA=JC
18 Amphibious V5/6 sit start classic right arete or V1/2 stand start FA=JC
19 sit start #18 up left into #17?
20 sit start #18 then traverse up left into #16!?
21 sit start #17 traverse up right into #18
22 V1 stand start face bulge right side of arete right of #18 - or hard low sit start!?
23 Lonely Island V3 sit start undercling sidepulls left of center on east face FA=CS
24 Knee Barrio V4/5 low knee bar sit start or V3/4 sit - center east face FA=JC/CS
25 Knee Pootie? sit start Knee Barrio and finish Pootie Tang?
26 Pootie Tang V3 sit start right arete - or V1 stand FA=JC
27 Pootie Tang Traverse V4 sit start #25 up left into #23 FA=CS
28 easy face/slab right of #20 and left of dws.
29 dws face FA=JC?
30 dws traverse FA=JC?
31 ?
32 ?
Gods Stone
33 V5? mega classic high arete/prow!? FA=RT??
34 Arnold Bomber V2/3? thin clean vertical face FA=JC/MR
35 Cat Piss V4 short steep bulge over rocky pit - stand start FA=CS / sit FA=!?
36 Zen V3 FA=CS - or Zen Buddha V3/4 traverse into from Buddha Belly?
37 The Atheist V1 stand start sculpted stemming scoop or V1/2 sit FA=JC
or Atheist Direct V2 low right sit FA=M? or Atheist Traverse V3 sit start at Buddha Belly FA=CS
38 Frog Goddess V5/6 mid-height diagonal traverse from Atheist low into Buddha Belly. FA=AB
39 Buddha Belly V4 low sit start on shelf up over sculpted bulge FA=CS
40 ?
41 Clovis Point V2 squat start short cutter arete opposite #33 FA=CS - or sit start?
42 short arete just uphill from east face of Gods Stone. FA=JC?
43 arete slab on hillside above east face of Gods Stone. FA=?
44 lip traverse on short boulder just upstream from The Island Boulder FA=JC?
45 corner/arete on boulder just downstream from The Island Boulder FA=JC?
46 slab face(s) on boulder just downstream from The Island Boulder FA=JC?
47 short steep red chert boulder downstream from The Island Boulder FA=JC?
48 arete next to big boulder downstream from The Island Boulder FA=JC?
49 high arete on big boulder downstream from The Island Boulder FA=!?
50 high face on boulder just downstream from The Island Boulder FA=!?
51 ?
52 ?
53 ?
54 ?
55 ?
First Falls - Upstream/Middle Zone (cliff routes!?)
1 arete - drop off shelf V3/4 - or top out highball V!? FA=?
2 high crack/face left of arete!? (route??)
3 face(s) FA=JC?
4 VB traverse over water.
5 left arete (route?)
6 left layback face (route?)
7 face/prow (route?)
8 (route??)
9 (route??)
10 (route??)
11 Cellophane V2/3 low stand start FA=JS or V3/4 low sit start FA=CS/JS
12 Plastic Wrap V2/3 low right sit start up into Cellophane FA=CS
14 The Arm Pit V0/1 short boulder over rocky pit FA=CS
15 Get Lippy V2 lowball lip traverse sculpted stone FA=CS/SL
16 steep face next to waterfall!?
17 short bulge up right? - or up left?
18 short bulge backside?
19 slab face next to waterfall?
20 Impermanence V2/3? short/medium high steep red chert stone FA=JC?
21 ? semi high left arete FA=JS
22 high face right of left arete!?
23 face arete just above/next to left arete?
24 ?
25 ?
26 ?
27 ?
28 ?
29 ?
30 ?
Google Photo Album - First Falls/Sulfur Creek
First Falls playlist YouTube
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