Monday, April 26, 2021

Alpine Rock

{topo secret history}

Alpine Rock

Main Face 

>Masochist Arete V1 sit start short right arete over rocky pit. FA=CS

>Masochist Traverse V4/5 left to right into arete or vice versa to no hands or link into left problems. FA=CS

>The Masochist V5 sharp crimp edges up vert wall to rail. FA=CS

>Alpine Rail V1 FA=CS

>Alpine Stem V1R FA=CS

>Alpine Edge V0/1R left hand arete over rocky landing. FA=??

>Alpine Chimney V0 easy way up/down. FA=??

>Alpine Traverse V2/3 start on left and traverse slab right to end in chimney or up arete. FA=??

>Alpine Traverse Direct V4/5 start on left and traverse slab right staying low to end in chimney or up arete. FA=CS?

>Alpine Arete V1 right hand steep juggy right arete. FA=??

>The Alpinist V1R or 5.10TR FA=??

>Alpine Crack V1R or 5.10TR FA=??

>?? V?? corner arete face thingy ~ needs cleaning. FA=??

>Alpine Offwidth V0R FA=??

>Alpine Roof 5.10/11? FA=??

>Alpine Prow 5.13TR? steep roof prow! FA=??

The Ledge

>Ledge Crack 5.9/10TR or V0/1R/X Splitter finger crack over bad landing. FA=??

>Ledge Corner 5.9/10TR or V0/1R/X Diagonal dihedral corner. FA=??

>Ledge Face 5.9/10TR or V0/1R/X Left face off ledge. FA=??

West Face

>?? V?? FA=??

>West Face Traverse V2 Traverse left to right ~20ft to end on no hands ledge. FA=CS

>West Corner 5.9/10? FA=??

>West Face 5.10/11? FA=??

Alpine Bloc

>Toothfairy V3/4 low sit start left side of arete up past tooth arete hold and up over the top. FA=CS

>Toothfairy Direct V1/2 start right side of arete and go up left past tooth and up over the top. FA=CS

>Moose Lip V1 sit start big rail (or V0 stand) and traverse lip right to top out at arete. FA=??

>Baby Moose V3 sit start big rail same as Moose Lip and traverse edges and rails below lip to the right to top out at arete. FA=MW

>The Moose V4/5 FA=CS

>The Full Moose Traverse V6? Start start Baby Moose and traverse right around Tooth Fairy arete into The Moose to finish. FA=??

>Project!? Sit start left of Tooth Fairy arete on crimps and bust a tough move up to rail and top. FA=??

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