Tuesday, March 22, 2011

The Alcove

The Alcove - right

The Alcove - left

The Alcove
bouldering/buildering = bou-il-dering!?
pull some concrete!!

The Alcove - right
1 VB/0
2 Mini Dyno V0
3 Dual Cracks V0/1
4 Gastoned V2 stand V2/3 sit?
5 Right Corner V0/1 right corner crack/face
6 March Means Rain V1/2 face left of corner (corner crack is off).
7 Alcove Crack V0 stand V0/1 sit - instant classic!
8 Alcove Face V1 stand V1/2 sit - direct face left of classic crack (crack is off).

The Alcove - left
9 Corny Corner V1 left corner crack/face
10 Zendetta V4 stand V5 sit - direct right V start to Z crack.
11 Zen Crack V2 stand V3 sit - Bay Area buildering classic!
12 Inflatable Sheep V3 stand V4 sit - left variation to Z crack. *Direct start!?
13 White Rail V0 stand V1 sit
14 The Funnel V0 stand or V1 start #13 - short diagonal cracks

15 The Alcove Traverse V4 start on right side and traverse left into #14 to finish - or left to right into #1 or #2 to finish. The concrete in the two corners is on for feet making nice and needed no hands rests - no concrete = V4/5


  1. sorry for the late response - this is in marin county across the street from marin brewing company alongside the bike trail in cal park parallel to us101
